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Track your habits effortlessly and reach your goals.

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Your gateway to productivity 🚀

Discover Habitat: Your fresh start to building lasting habits!

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See your stats 📈

Visualise your progress with detailed graphs and heatmaps. These insights allow you to understand how well you are achieving your habits.

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Press pause ✋

Going on holiday or need a break?. Habitat lets you temporarily shelve habits. When you're ready, you can resume your habits from where you left off.

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Fits your schedule ⏰

Habitat is designed to fit into your routine. Custom day reset time allows you to decide when your habits tick over to the next day; this is especially useful for night-shift workers / night owls. You can also set habit reminders.

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Home screen widgets 🏠

See your progress at a glance with customisable home screen widgets including a habit bubble grid and a habit completion heatmap.

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Dark mode 🌑

No app would be complete without it...